
Chapter 5 (B)

After few presentation about the Principles of Verbal Message, we are continue our lecture class for Chapter 5 Part B. What we have learned here were Disconfirmation and Comfirmation towards racism, sexism, Hetoroseixm and Ageism.
Racism is anything that make race looks inferior to another race and its happen everywhere and anywhere, especially united states. It can be racist on language or either message, so how can we avoid racist? We can avoid using derogatory terms for members of a particular race, avoid interacting with members of other races throught stereotypes perpetuated by the media and also Do not generalize and connect extremist attacks. 
For the second is Sexism, its to practice or support favouritism that criticizes or having a bias towards a specific gender. We cant critic that girls cant do anything but only can stay in home. But what do you think about policeman , chairman or fireman? why all those are man? as Men is superior than man and also generic word man/men? They is a popular case of disconfirmation relating with sexism is Sian Masset's linesmen sexism case about a lady being associated with football, she has a good eye view. so this is the suggetion to avoid sexist remarks:
1. Avoid using man generically
2. Do not insult or attribute others according to gender bias.
3. Refrain from using he and his as generis. 
Then there is ageism. It is also one of  discrimination based on age. For example, old people in the society are not welcom to compare with the young generation teenagers.
Apart from that,  we have also learn more on using verbal message effectively, like:
-Symbolise reality
- Express both facts and inference
- Be relatively static
-Obscure distinctions

