
Chapter 6 A

For the Chapter 6, we can learn about nonverbal communication. From the previous chapters, we already know Nonverbal is communication without words but is gestures, touch, raising your voice, or ice contact and anything that can sense by basic human sense.
There are two benefits of nonverbal communication we can know is The greater your ability to send and receive nonverbal signals, the higher attraction , popularity and psychological well being you are. The second is whenever u hv greater nonverbal skills , the successfull you are likely to be at influencing others.
Besides the two benefits of nonverbal communication, there are the few FUNCTIONS of nonverbal message..

Apart from that , it can forming and managing impression with verbal message together by following ways
-To be liked: might smile ,shake hands warmly
-To be believed: make confident eye contact, firm stance
-To avoid failure: might look sad ,cover face, shake head
-To secure help: while helplessness, u might puzzled look or inept movement.
-To hide faults: avoid eyes contact ,facial expression.
-To be followed: wearing smart attire during presentation
-To comfirm self-image and to communicate it to others: behaving in certain manners to follow someone else.

The third funtion is defining relationships like it can use in various stages of relationships
-to employers: you appear professional and likeable like smile, polite tone, wearing smart attire to work.
-to normal friends: you adopt a more casual look, talk more openly and fluently
-to best friends: you scream and shout and let is all out.
-to first few dates with gf/bf: treat her or him very good but after that u scream and shout to them.

The forth funtion is structuring conversation. In conversation we give and receive sures that we're ready to speak listen or comment on wht the speaker just said.
The fifth is influencing and deceiving. By using nonverbal gesture and communication we can influence others into adopting your beliefs and your ideas, at the same time deceiving or destracting others as well. For example, eyes wink.
Influence is to at firm statement ,to offer support..
Deceive: to cover a white lie..

The sixth is express emotions like :) :( and so on use in communication..

Then thr are the channels of nomnverbal communication

