
Chapter 10~

So far So good~ we are already in Chapter 10 with small group communication..
Small group is forming groups and click is a natural part of life but it formed out of a common.. with purpose, interdependence, organization of rules, self-perception as a group.
For Purpose, we form in a small group is for similar purpose and reason for example like assgnment and also project.
For Interdependence, we all are depending on one another for common objective or to complement each others like every member has their own skills and talent.
For Organization of rules, every individual in small groups has certain rule to adhere to, eg:informal social gathering will have less formal feel.
For the Self-perception as a group, in dividual wanting to fell belonged to a larger group of common shared values, beliefs, likings and mentality.

Besides small groups, we also characterized small group as a Team, an effective contain these qualities..
-Specific purpose:task completion, goal completion, problem solving.
-Clearly defined roles: there must be a leader,t here must be supporters and everybody must be a team player.
-Goal directed: commitment to achive the common goal.
-Content focused: must be able to generated content, not distracted by other things.

Teams can be both in face-to face or in the virtual world via video or audio interation.

So there are stages in small group opening sure is the first stage, then is feedforward , business, business , feedback and the last is closing.

In a small groups , we can in the round table, the panel, the symposium, the symposium-forum.
The round table is arrange themselves in circular or semicular, share information( no pattern of who speak when), group interaction is informal and also for group project, group assignment.
The panel is for group members who are experts, informal with no pattern of who speaks when, the important is there is an audience in front for question and answer sessions for examples like talk shows.
The symposium is every member deliver a prepared presentation much like a public speech, speeches in different aspect of a single topic, eg: seminars, public speaking , conferences.
The symposium-forum can devided into two parts- A symposium with prepared speeches
- forum with questions and responses.    For example like campaigns, manifesto and forum.

The small group is only natural that different individuals would brings a different role and a passive/active role into the group.
therefore there are different catogories of power inherent in different individuals.
-Legitimate Power, is by rules-appointed group leader
-Referent power, by agreement- when another person wishes to be like you.
-Reward power, by positive reinforcement for example ( i like your idea Jeff, now i will increase your salary).
-Coercive power
, by negative reinforcement , punishment ( you make others in trouble, i will decrease your salary.)
-Expert Power, by establishing yourself as the expert in the context
-Information power, by establishing yourself as the person can communicate and inform the best. (Public Speaking)

There are four types of small group
-Idea-generating groups
1. Dont criticize one another
2. Strive for quantity
3. Combine and extend ideas
4. Develop the wildest ideas possible.

-Personal growth groups
as support group
1. The encounter Group
they try to facilatate members and more on psychotherapy
2. The assertiveness training group
aims to increase the willingness of its members to stand up for their right ans to act more assertively in a wide variety of situations.
3. The Consciousness-raising group
aim to help people cope with the problems society confronts them with( women's rights groups, anti abuse groups)

-Information Sharing Group
People who forms ideas and share information with one another
1. Educational Group is contributing to the academic circle( educational conference, talks)
2. Focus group affiriminf the existence of the information or the probabilty of increasing the comfirmation of certain issues.

-Problem-solving group
together on face or solve certain issue or problem.
`Define and analyze the problem
`Establish criteria for eveluating solutions
`Identify possible solutions
`Evaluate solutions
`Select solutions
`Test solutions- if failed, try again, if okay then proceed

