
Chapter 2

So today lecture is chapter 2 , its about Perception. Perception is what we perceive things differently and subjectively, means its a continuous process of life. Not everyone can have the same perception  with the others, but if they really have the same perception but it may still hv different.
During the lecture class, lecturer was giving us to watch a video about what can wee see due to the video. Inside the video, there were many misunderstood parts. Its hard to explain here, so this is the link > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DadIBPZVaNE . So its may u r not wrong but ppl see different and make their first decision to what thy saw at the first.

There are three processes of perception such as sensory stimulation occurs ,sensory stimulation is organized and also sensory stimulation is interpreted-evaluated.
The first sensory stimulation occurs means what u smell ,u hear , u taste and u see on the first time.
The second is sensory stimulation is organized means organized according to various principles. For instance, thy is a girl and a boy usually walk to school and after school, as ur perception, u will perceived them as a couple but thy are actually best friend.
Thirs is sensory stimulation is interpreted-evaluated is not based on external stimulus but its based on your past experience, needs, wants, value systems, emotional state, expectation.
So this is the photo given by our lecturer to determined what we saw in these two photos
Yess, thr is a face And a guy who plying the music instrument. The second photo is a side face old woman and a girl who facing behind. These two picture shows us everyone have different perception as some of the students can figure out where is the old woman inside the second photo.

We also learn that the 5 things that will influence your perception.

Processes influencing perception
1. Implicit personality theory
> Your own opinion about something else or someone's characteristics. This is also known as halo effect.

2. The self-fulfilling prophecy
> People who have bad traits may make other thinks that they are bad, and may bring a bad influence to you. But this is only what you think. It might not be true. This is known as reverse halo effect.

3. Primacy-recency
> It makes prediction of the first impression and then proceed to fulfillment of it.

4. Consistency
> Expected things from someone to have characteristic like that. For example ,u expected someome u like has the character u want.

5. Attribution
> The process through which people discover why people do what they do and why u do what u do.

