
Cgapter 7 & 8

As chapter 7&8 is about Interpersonal Communication so our lecturer is combining the the Chapter 7 and 8 together to us learn faster and more understand.
This sememster i got taking oral Communication, so i knew what is Interpersonal communication, it is communication between sender and receiver or sender and receiver. All the talks is through conversation and dialogues.
There is a simple conversation process, Opening-Feedforward-Business-Feedback-Closing

The principle of Conversation is containing Principle of Turn Taking , Principles of Dialogue and the Principle of Immediacy. Let us look through what are these three Pinciples.

The first Principle of Turn Taking is happening in everyday conversation, there is and active exchange of roles between speakers and listeners. Inside of this Principle ,there are four turn. Turn Maintaining is Speaker to Speaker.
Turn Yielding is Speaker to Listen.
Turn Requesting is Listener to Speak.
Turn Denying is Listener to listen.

For the Principle of Dialogues means two person share messages to one another. dialogues is indicates an interaction rather than just a conversation.

For the Principle of Immediacy consideration the relationship and intimacy of one another, as well as adjusting to the environment and the context.

In our daily life, we have Small talk, Excusesand Apologies , Complimenting and Advice as we need to maintain a social etiquette and conversational rules.

Small Talk
Its a method in which we slowly introduce ourselves into a bigger issues or mesage. can also considered as a bridge to the conversation. besides, its also very culturally based.
Excuses and Apologies
We always excuse ourselves and apologize in our everyday conversations
Types of excuses
-I dint do it ( Strong declination of your involment)
-It wasnt so bad(Mid to neutral stand)
-Yes, but...(Amitting to the fault but still defensive.)
Etiquette for Apologies: Maintain an open position and apologize if you are at fault and say it like you meant it.
Complimenting and Advice
Receiving comppliments ia also a big qtiquette ,thr hv two, Denial and Acceptance
For example:
Its nice of you to say that, but i knw i was terrible(denial)
Smile and say thank you(acceptance)

Beside it, there are three types of Advice( what we call meta-advice)
Explore options
Expert advice
Delay decision

There is a relationship Stages

for this , lecturer asked every group use role play to present this , our group is doing.
firtst there are three friends meet with another friend. After that they decided to form a group for doing assignment and they plan to overnight at someone else , but there is one friend dint come and never notice to us, so thy decided to unfriend him.

There are some relationship theories
-Attraction theory
it contains similarity, proximity, reinforcement, and physical attractiveness and personality.\

-Relationship Rules Theory
Different relationships have different levels and attributes for example like Friendship Rules, Romantic Rules, Family Rules, Workplace Rules

-Relationship Dialectics Theory
People in relationship oftern want to explore the extremes of opposition qualities.
Closedness and openness, autonomy and connection, novelty and predictability

Social Penetration Theory
Deeper relationship would go deeper into the core personality of the person , included Money, Sex, Politics, Work, Family. Religion, Looks.

-Social Exchange Theory(Rewards>Costs)
individuals form relationships with one another based on whether or not it would bring brnrfit to them

Equity Theory(Rewards=Costs)
Equity Theory is more towards forming professional relationships.

Dont think too good to interpersonal relationship, thr is also dark side of interpersonal relationship
-Cognitive jealousy
-Emotional jealousy
Behavioural jealousy

Relationship Violence would also take place as a result of a poor maintanace of interpersonal communication and relationship.
-Physical abuse
-Verbal or emotional abuse
-Sexual abuse.

