
Chapter 6 part B

This is continue of the Chapter 6 as Chapter 6 is a longer chapter so devided it into two parts. Today our lecturer has shown us a video Mr.Bean hehehe because he is a best actor with nonverbal communication.
lets continue.. Spatial Message.
-Proxemic Distance, thr are four distance tht define the type of relationships between people.
The specific distance you maitain between yourself and others depends on a variety of factors including cultural, gender socialization , age and personality.
For example, between u and ur boss. between u and ur friends, and also female and male.

The four Proxemics Distance are
Intimate: 0-18 inches. To protect and comfort.
Personal: 18 inches-4 feet. To keep you protected and untouched by others.
Social: 4 feet-12 feet. To conduct business or participate in social interaction.
Public: 12 feet-25 feet. To keep between and strangers, we view as potentially harmful.

-Territoriality is the possessive reaction to an area or to particular objects.
~Primary territories is areas you call your own like your desk or room
~Secondary territories is areas that dont belong to you but which you have occupied and may be associated.
~Public territories is areas open to all people for example  movie houses ,restaurants, shopping malls.

Artifactual Communication.
-Artifactual Communication is message that are human-made.
-Color Communication is the evidence suggest that colors may influence our psychology and surely influences our perceptions and behaviours.
-Clothing and Body Adornment- people make inferences about who you are by the way you dress and so on.
-Space decoration is people make inferences about you based on how you decorate your private spaces.

Smell Communication
Through odor, which contribute to our perceptions of health, alertness, awareness and etc. 
-Attraction messages is odors like perfumes, lotions powders used to enhance attractiveness.
-Taste is non verbal cues like smells compliments senses like taste
-Memory is olfactory cues are used to trugger memories or significants events
-Identification message is odors used to create an image or an identity such as the distintive smell of certain cleaning products.

Touch Communication
is the most primitive form of nonverbal communication, it delevops before our other senses.
the meaning of touch can conveys into
-positive emotion, playfulness, control, ritual, and also task-relatedness
The touch avoidance. For example, you won't touch your not-so-close friends. You won't touch each other when in the exam hall. 

the vocal , nonverbal dimension of speech volume ,rate, pitch ,accent, vocalizations such as moaning ,belching, yawning.

just as intensely as anything you verbalize
Funtion of silence incliding allow for time to think, to hurts others, respond to the threats, prevent communication and to convey an emotional response.

Time Communication
How you treat, organize and react to time.
-People with the past orientation have a particular reverence for tradition , old methods and old wisdom.
-People with a present orientation live in the here and now without planning for tomorrow. 
- People with a future orientation look forward, make plans and set goals. 
Culture and Nonverbal Communication, different cultures perceive nonverbal cues, especially hand gestures differently from one another.
There are Culture and Gestures, Culture and Facial Expression, Culture and Colors, Culture and Eye Communication, Culture and Touch and also Culture in Paralanguage and silence.

