
Chapter 10~

So far So good~ we are already in Chapter 10 with small group communication..
Small group is forming groups and click is a natural part of life but it formed out of a common.. with purpose, interdependence, organization of rules, self-perception as a group.
For Purpose, we form in a small group is for similar purpose and reason for example like assgnment and also project.
For Interdependence, we all are depending on one another for common objective or to complement each others like every member has their own skills and talent.
For Organization of rules, every individual in small groups has certain rule to adhere to, eg:informal social gathering will have less formal feel.
For the Self-perception as a group, in dividual wanting to fell belonged to a larger group of common shared values, beliefs, likings and mentality.

Besides small groups, we also characterized small group as a Team, an effective contain these qualities..
-Specific purpose:task completion, goal completion, problem solving.
-Clearly defined roles: there must be a leader,t here must be supporters and everybody must be a team player.
-Goal directed: commitment to achive the common goal.
-Content focused: must be able to generated content, not distracted by other things.

Teams can be both in face-to face or in the virtual world via video or audio interation.

So there are stages in small group opening sure is the first stage, then is feedforward , business, business , feedback and the last is closing.

In a small groups , we can in the round table, the panel, the symposium, the symposium-forum.
The round table is arrange themselves in circular or semicular, share information( no pattern of who speak when), group interaction is informal and also for group project, group assignment.
The panel is for group members who are experts, informal with no pattern of who speaks when, the important is there is an audience in front for question and answer sessions for examples like talk shows.
The symposium is every member deliver a prepared presentation much like a public speech, speeches in different aspect of a single topic, eg: seminars, public speaking , conferences.
The symposium-forum can devided into two parts- A symposium with prepared speeches
- forum with questions and responses.    For example like campaigns, manifesto and forum.

The small group is only natural that different individuals would brings a different role and a passive/active role into the group.
therefore there are different catogories of power inherent in different individuals.
-Legitimate Power, is by rules-appointed group leader
-Referent power, by agreement- when another person wishes to be like you.
-Reward power, by positive reinforcement for example ( i like your idea Jeff, now i will increase your salary).
-Coercive power
, by negative reinforcement , punishment ( you make others in trouble, i will decrease your salary.)
-Expert Power, by establishing yourself as the expert in the context
-Information power, by establishing yourself as the person can communicate and inform the best. (Public Speaking)

There are four types of small group
-Idea-generating groups
1. Dont criticize one another
2. Strive for quantity
3. Combine and extend ideas
4. Develop the wildest ideas possible.

-Personal growth groups
as support group
1. The encounter Group
they try to facilatate members and more on psychotherapy
2. The assertiveness training group
aims to increase the willingness of its members to stand up for their right ans to act more assertively in a wide variety of situations.
3. The Consciousness-raising group
aim to help people cope with the problems society confronts them with( women's rights groups, anti abuse groups)

-Information Sharing Group
People who forms ideas and share information with one another
1. Educational Group is contributing to the academic circle( educational conference, talks)
2. Focus group affiriminf the existence of the information or the probabilty of increasing the comfirmation of certain issues.

-Problem-solving group
together on face or solve certain issue or problem.
`Define and analyze the problem
`Establish criteria for eveluating solutions
`Identify possible solutions
`Evaluate solutions
`Select solutions
`Test solutions- if failed, try again, if okay then proceed


Chapter 9 love~

Chapter 9 is about families love, lovers and friends love. Its all about Love lol...
Friendship is an interpersonal relationship, must be mutually productive and contains of trust, emotional support, sharing interest.

There are three friendship types
- The friendship of reciorocit
This is an example of close friends, we share equally in giving and receiving the benefits and rewards in our relationship.

-The friendship of receptivity 
This consists of one person giving and one person receiving. For example, our lecture teaches us and we are receiving the knowledge.

- The friendship of association 
This is similar like the first one, but this kind of friendship does not consist of trust, loyalty, or equally shared relationship. For example, our classmates, neighbour or co-worker.

Why do we seek out friendship and close relationship?????
-Utility purposes:
 For example, you will find a friend who good in science teach you improve your science.
 For example, a friend who help you to see more clearly your leadership abilities.
-Ego support:
 For example, a friend who will support you all the way and encourage you. 
For example, a friend who help you to expand your worldview. 

 For example, a friend who will emphasize or call attention to your weaknesses. 

Besides of that , there are three development stage of friendship
1.Initial contact & acquaintanceship
The first stage of friendship
Impressions are formed.
Important to stay open and welcoming of the presence of your new acquaintance.
2.Casual friendship
The second stage of friendship.
Dyadic (of a relation) consciousness takes place
Doing things together
3.Close and intimate friendship
The third stage of friendship
Most intimate forms of togetherness.

The value of friendship would also be affected by Culture , Gender differences, and technology

Love is a romantic relationship
there are:
1.Eros : erotic, sensual, desire, lust
2.Ludus : excitement, fun, entertainment
3.Storge : peaceful and slow
4.Pragma : practical and traditional
5.Mania : extremist of opposites
6.Agape : unconditional love

each family has their own characteristics but they do normally follow a certain set of rules.
-Traditional couples: The conventional form of a family, they shared values, beliefs, tolerance for one another.
- Independent couples: Individuals in this family setting stresses individuality as the main theme in the family. Nowadays this is how the modern family is. 
-Separate couples: Family setting is not really a family but either one in this family stay together for a common benefit like paying the rent, sharing living space.

Cgapter 7 & 8

As chapter 7&8 is about Interpersonal Communication so our lecturer is combining the the Chapter 7 and 8 together to us learn faster and more understand.
This sememster i got taking oral Communication, so i knew what is Interpersonal communication, it is communication between sender and receiver or sender and receiver. All the talks is through conversation and dialogues.
There is a simple conversation process, Opening-Feedforward-Business-Feedback-Closing

The principle of Conversation is containing Principle of Turn Taking , Principles of Dialogue and the Principle of Immediacy. Let us look through what are these three Pinciples.

The first Principle of Turn Taking is happening in everyday conversation, there is and active exchange of roles between speakers and listeners. Inside of this Principle ,there are four turn. Turn Maintaining is Speaker to Speaker.
Turn Yielding is Speaker to Listen.
Turn Requesting is Listener to Speak.
Turn Denying is Listener to listen.

For the Principle of Dialogues means two person share messages to one another. dialogues is indicates an interaction rather than just a conversation.

For the Principle of Immediacy consideration the relationship and intimacy of one another, as well as adjusting to the environment and the context.

In our daily life, we have Small talk, Excusesand Apologies , Complimenting and Advice as we need to maintain a social etiquette and conversational rules.

Small Talk
Its a method in which we slowly introduce ourselves into a bigger issues or mesage. can also considered as a bridge to the conversation. besides, its also very culturally based.
Excuses and Apologies
We always excuse ourselves and apologize in our everyday conversations
Types of excuses
-I dint do it ( Strong declination of your involment)
-It wasnt so bad(Mid to neutral stand)
-Yes, but...(Amitting to the fault but still defensive.)
Etiquette for Apologies: Maintain an open position and apologize if you are at fault and say it like you meant it.
Complimenting and Advice
Receiving comppliments ia also a big qtiquette ,thr hv two, Denial and Acceptance
For example:
Its nice of you to say that, but i knw i was terrible(denial)
Smile and say thank you(acceptance)

Beside it, there are three types of Advice( what we call meta-advice)
Explore options
Expert advice
Delay decision

There is a relationship Stages

for this , lecturer asked every group use role play to present this , our group is doing.
firtst there are three friends meet with another friend. After that they decided to form a group for doing assignment and they plan to overnight at someone else , but there is one friend dint come and never notice to us, so thy decided to unfriend him.

There are some relationship theories
-Attraction theory
it contains similarity, proximity, reinforcement, and physical attractiveness and personality.\

-Relationship Rules Theory
Different relationships have different levels and attributes for example like Friendship Rules, Romantic Rules, Family Rules, Workplace Rules

-Relationship Dialectics Theory
People in relationship oftern want to explore the extremes of opposition qualities.
Closedness and openness, autonomy and connection, novelty and predictability

Social Penetration Theory
Deeper relationship would go deeper into the core personality of the person , included Money, Sex, Politics, Work, Family. Religion, Looks.

-Social Exchange Theory(Rewards>Costs)
individuals form relationships with one another based on whether or not it would bring brnrfit to them

Equity Theory(Rewards=Costs)
Equity Theory is more towards forming professional relationships.

Dont think too good to interpersonal relationship, thr is also dark side of interpersonal relationship
-Cognitive jealousy
-Emotional jealousy
Behavioural jealousy

Relationship Violence would also take place as a result of a poor maintanace of interpersonal communication and relationship.
-Physical abuse
-Verbal or emotional abuse
-Sexual abuse.


Chapter 6 part B

This is continue of the Chapter 6 as Chapter 6 is a longer chapter so devided it into two parts. Today our lecturer has shown us a video Mr.Bean hehehe because he is a best actor with nonverbal communication.
lets continue.. Spatial Message.
-Proxemic Distance, thr are four distance tht define the type of relationships between people.
The specific distance you maitain between yourself and others depends on a variety of factors including cultural, gender socialization , age and personality.
For example, between u and ur boss. between u and ur friends, and also female and male.

The four Proxemics Distance are
Intimate: 0-18 inches. To protect and comfort.
Personal: 18 inches-4 feet. To keep you protected and untouched by others.
Social: 4 feet-12 feet. To conduct business or participate in social interaction.
Public: 12 feet-25 feet. To keep between and strangers, we view as potentially harmful.

-Territoriality is the possessive reaction to an area or to particular objects.
~Primary territories is areas you call your own like your desk or room
~Secondary territories is areas that dont belong to you but which you have occupied and may be associated.
~Public territories is areas open to all people for example  movie houses ,restaurants, shopping malls.

Artifactual Communication.
-Artifactual Communication is message that are human-made.
-Color Communication is the evidence suggest that colors may influence our psychology and surely influences our perceptions and behaviours.
-Clothing and Body Adornment- people make inferences about who you are by the way you dress and so on.
-Space decoration is people make inferences about you based on how you decorate your private spaces.

Smell Communication
Through odor, which contribute to our perceptions of health, alertness, awareness and etc. 
-Attraction messages is odors like perfumes, lotions powders used to enhance attractiveness.
-Taste is non verbal cues like smells compliments senses like taste
-Memory is olfactory cues are used to trugger memories or significants events
-Identification message is odors used to create an image or an identity such as the distintive smell of certain cleaning products.

Touch Communication
is the most primitive form of nonverbal communication, it delevops before our other senses.
the meaning of touch can conveys into
-positive emotion, playfulness, control, ritual, and also task-relatedness
The touch avoidance. For example, you won't touch your not-so-close friends. You won't touch each other when in the exam hall. 

the vocal , nonverbal dimension of speech volume ,rate, pitch ,accent, vocalizations such as moaning ,belching, yawning.

just as intensely as anything you verbalize
Funtion of silence incliding allow for time to think, to hurts others, respond to the threats, prevent communication and to convey an emotional response.

Time Communication
How you treat, organize and react to time.
-People with the past orientation have a particular reverence for tradition , old methods and old wisdom.
-People with a present orientation live in the here and now without planning for tomorrow. 
- People with a future orientation look forward, make plans and set goals. 
Culture and Nonverbal Communication, different cultures perceive nonverbal cues, especially hand gestures differently from one another.
There are Culture and Gestures, Culture and Facial Expression, Culture and Colors, Culture and Eye Communication, Culture and Touch and also Culture in Paralanguage and silence.

Chapter 6 A

For the Chapter 6, we can learn about nonverbal communication. From the previous chapters, we already know Nonverbal is communication without words but is gestures, touch, raising your voice, or ice contact and anything that can sense by basic human sense.
There are two benefits of nonverbal communication we can know is The greater your ability to send and receive nonverbal signals, the higher attraction , popularity and psychological well being you are. The second is whenever u hv greater nonverbal skills , the successfull you are likely to be at influencing others.
Besides the two benefits of nonverbal communication, there are the few FUNCTIONS of nonverbal message..

Apart from that , it can forming and managing impression with verbal message together by following ways
-To be liked: might smile ,shake hands warmly
-To be believed: make confident eye contact, firm stance
-To avoid failure: might look sad ,cover face, shake head
-To secure help: while helplessness, u might puzzled look or inept movement.
-To hide faults: avoid eyes contact ,facial expression.
-To be followed: wearing smart attire during presentation
-To comfirm self-image and to communicate it to others: behaving in certain manners to follow someone else.

The third funtion is defining relationships like it can use in various stages of relationships
-to employers: you appear professional and likeable like smile, polite tone, wearing smart attire to work.
-to normal friends: you adopt a more casual look, talk more openly and fluently
-to best friends: you scream and shout and let is all out.
-to first few dates with gf/bf: treat her or him very good but after that u scream and shout to them.

The forth funtion is structuring conversation. In conversation we give and receive sures that we're ready to speak listen or comment on wht the speaker just said.
The fifth is influencing and deceiving. By using nonverbal gesture and communication we can influence others into adopting your beliefs and your ideas, at the same time deceiving or destracting others as well. For example, eyes wink.
Influence is to at firm statement ,to offer support..
Deceive: to cover a white lie..

The sixth is express emotions like :) :( and so on use in communication..

Then thr are the channels of nomnverbal communication


Chapter 5 (B)

After few presentation about the Principles of Verbal Message, we are continue our lecture class for Chapter 5 Part B. What we have learned here were Disconfirmation and Comfirmation towards racism, sexism, Hetoroseixm and Ageism.
Racism is anything that make race looks inferior to another race and its happen everywhere and anywhere, especially united states. It can be racist on language or either message, so how can we avoid racist? We can avoid using derogatory terms for members of a particular race, avoid interacting with members of other races throught stereotypes perpetuated by the media and also Do not generalize and connect extremist attacks. 
For the second is Sexism, its to practice or support favouritism that criticizes or having a bias towards a specific gender. We cant critic that girls cant do anything but only can stay in home. But what do you think about policeman , chairman or fireman? why all those are man? as Men is superior than man and also generic word man/men? They is a popular case of disconfirmation relating with sexism is Sian Masset's linesmen sexism case about a lady being associated with football, she has a good eye view. so this is the suggetion to avoid sexist remarks:
1. Avoid using man generically
2. Do not insult or attribute others according to gender bias.
3. Refrain from using he and his as generis. 
Then there is ageism. It is also one of  discrimination based on age. For example, old people in the society are not welcom to compare with the young generation teenagers.
Apart from that,  we have also learn more on using verbal message effectively, like:
-Symbolise reality
- Express both facts and inference
- Be relatively static
-Obscure distinctions


Chapter 5 (a)

As the class is going on, Our lecturer is going to give lecture for Chapter 5 of human communicatio. For Chapter 5, lecturer has devided into two part its Verbal Messages and Non-Verbal Messages.
So "What is MESSAGE", question asked by lecturer... Emm, our answer as usual ,everyone were in quiet and waiting for Mr continue his lecture haha. As i knew the answer but never answer, Verbal Message is by using words to decode your message. For the fully explanation about verbal message is Using words to describe your message or information to your receiver.

What is the Principles of verbal messages? It have contains 5 principle of verbal message, last class lecturer has devided the 5 principles for every group for do a small presentation. I felt this methods is usefull and we can do more research on it so we can more understading on what we had learned.
1. Message Meanings Are in People
2. Messages Are Denotative and Connotative
3. Meanings Depend on Context
4. Messages Vary in Politeness
5. Messages Vary in Assertivesess
6. Messages Can Deceive

So our group has been choosen as the second one, Messages are Denotative and Connotative.
Denotative is the words of definition in dictionary meaning.. but Connotative means thats not the word's meaning, it cant defined by dictionary meaning. Lets me do a example, Red means red colour in Denotative  but when i say the boy face is in red, means he is angry.